As the largest print consumables event in the Americas, the RT Imaging Summit & Expo—Americas will be held on June 22-23 at the Cancun International Convention Center, Mexico.
More than 85 exhibitors from the USA, China, Mexico, Spain, German and Switzerland are booked ready to attend and still some are making arrangements. About 65 percent of exhibitors are from the countries outside of the Americas—15 percent higher than last year. Visitors, coming from right across Latin America, the Caribbean, the USA and Canada, want to meet both domestic and international exhibitors, which will help them to know more about the global market and make wiser decisions.
Simón Campos from Peru, decided to attend the RTISE-Americas again this June, “I came to the event last year, and it really helped our company a lot. It is an efficient and cost-saving way for us to discover the world market,” he said.
RT Imaging Summit & Expo Slated for June 22-23 in Cancun
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