Image Star Print Solutions Pvt Ltd, a leading Chennai-based provider of imaging products under their popular brand name IMAGE KING, celebrated their 22nd anniversary of their successful venture on Nov 29. Led by Mr. Khan, Image King believes in the motto ‘LIVE TO WORK’ against the normal practice of ‘WORK TO LIVE.’ IMAGE STAR, incorporated in 1995, is driven by the objective to serve the imaging industry with the best and quality products. Under their flagship brand IMAGE KING, they provide high quality toner powder, toner and inkjet cartridges, OPC drums and many more. The brand works with commitment towards customers and suppliers.
IMAGE STAR with a wide network of dealers and distributors throughout India strives to work with distributors to ensure mutual benefits. By dealing with IMAGE KING products, the dealers apart from best quality also get a satisfaction of good profitability, supported by a strong channel-friendly policy. All IMAGE KING products are available with the latest technology and hence are readily accepted and appreciated by the industry. IMAGESTAR has always been the first in presenting the latest and best in the industry.